Paste (Ctrl + V) your article below then click Check for Plagiarism!
When dealing with any content, everyone feels the need to check if the content is copied. People do it for a good reason, though. It is one of the best practices to elude a literary offence called ‘plagiarism’.
The phrase ‘plagiarized content’ can be defined in various ways. Some people define it as a piece of text or any other aspect that constitutes content directly from a piece of work that belongs to someone else. Others relate it to the theft of ideas relating to a source.
Also, some people associate it with both the aforementioned aspects. All these come under the definition of ‘plagiarized content’. It is an umbrella term for content that is taken from a source either directly or obliquely without proper reference or citation.
But sometimes it can happen accidentally rather than by design. For instance, a short sentence or a group of words in a sequence from a piece of content may match with that of any other previously accomplished or published source. This can be avoided by using an online plagiarism checker.
It is next to impossible to define plagiarism in a sentence or two as it involves not just one or two but several things at once.
Here is a list of some of the common forms of plagiarism.
Self-plagiarism: This form of plagiarism involves the submission of text either in part or full by a student which they had already submitted before.
Patchwork Plagiarism: Also called mosaic plagiarism, it refers to the act of incorporating phrases into a piece of work from another source.
Accidental Plagiarism: While in the majority of cases, people engage in the act of plagiarism at their will, sometimes it can also happen inadvertently. This form of plagiarism is defined as ‘accidental plagiarism’.
Direct Plagiarism: Direct plagiarism involves the act of picking word-by-word content or the ditto verbatims from another source and claiming it to be someone else’s work. One can avoid it by putting the text between quotations.
Misleading Authorship: The golden rule of avoiding plagiarism is to give the original author the credit for their work. When one borrows ideas from someone else’s work without giving credit to the latter, it comes across as misleading authorship. The rationale behind it is to make certain that the author of the original work should get the credit.
Source-Based Plagiarism: Mentioning the sources incorrectly or inaccurately can land a reader into the confusion between the original and secondary source of the actual content. This act comes under source-based plagiarism.
Data Fabrication and Falsification: In some cases, composing data or manipulating it on one’s own can lead to serious consequences in medical research as it can lead to uninformed decisions for treatment. Such acts come under the domain of data fabrication and falsification.
Paraphrasing Plagiarism: Plagiarism is not just about text. It is also about ideas. When someone edits the original sentence by making a few changes here and there, he/she commits paraphrasing plagiarism.
Intellectual Theft and Stealing: Intellectual theft and stealing is a form of academic theft wherein one claims a published piece of work done by someone else as theirs.
The majority of the variants of plagiarism given above relate to academic and research-based purposes. While there are tools such as the best plagiarism scanner on the internet to avoid the instances of plagiarism but they are helpful only to a certain extent.
One’s best bet to avoid using plagiarized text is to refrain from the evil practice of stealing from others. This not only deters an individual from resorting to academic theft but also encourages them to apply their knowledge and skills. Together, these aspects help prevent plagiarism.
More than an act of academic theft, plagiarism is a serious issue which puts an individual at the risk of losing their reputation.
For students, getting caught in an instance of plagiarism can be the worst thing that can happen. It can have serious repercussions on their academic career as they can be marked as ‘failed’. In the worst-case scenario, it can even lead to their expulsion.
Bloggers or webmasters may see their blogs or website disappear from the front pages of Google search results.
This may not happen at once but they will get notifications from Google asking them to remove the plagiarized items from the content of their blog or website or face a penalty.
Either way, it can be a heavy blow to their SEO aspirations. Once they are caught red-handed for plagiarism, their website or blog will get into the bad books of Google. Thereafter, it can continue to haunt them for several weeks or months down the line.
Given that plagiarism can land one in grave peril, it is important to avoid it at any cost.
Detecting copied content used to be a Herculean task in the past but not anymore. At present, you can detect copied content and check for plagiarism free by using one of the several free plagiarism searching tools on the internet.
You can determine whether a given piece of content is authentic or copied by going through the detailed report shown by one of these tools after running a search for the plagiarized parts.
From students to bloggers, anyone who needs to submit a written task must vindicate its authenticity before giving their task.
Also, those who are responsible for establishing the genuineness of a submitted piece of content must use a plagiarism scanner tool to save their time and effort. Besides, it will also help them in getting accurate results.
Verifying the originality of a piece of content can take a long time when done manually. Further doing it in bulk can be a hard nut to crack, especially if it needs to be done in quick time. A plag checker software can prove to be of great assistance for this purpose.
Here is how it can benefit a user.
Provides accurate results concerning plagiarism: Plagiarism is a serious issue, regardless of its type or purpose. An online plagiarism tool shows assessment results to determine if an article is unique.
Safeguards the device of a user from any potentially unwanted program: When you use a tool online, you do not need to download it. The same can be said about a free plagiarism checker tool which is available online. Given its ability to work without being downloaded, it eliminates the risk of the installation of any potentially unwanted programs, including viruses and malware.
Enables checking by various methods: An online plagiarism detector employs a variety of methods to track the instance of plagiarism in a piece of content which results in the effective handling of issues relating to it.
Promotes credibility: When a blogger publishes a blog, it can either seal their deal or turn out to be a deal-breaker. Similarly, the submission of a paper plays a critical role in the academic or professional career of students. After running a check on an online plagiarism tool, they can be sure about whether or not their piece of work is genuine.
Saves time and effort: When one has to check long articles, several exam papers or scan other pieces of content in length, things can get tricky if done manually. Using a free online plagiarism checker with percentage can be the real deal as it can save both time and hassle.
SEOToolr is the best plagiarism detector for bloggers. It is free and does not necessitate any specialized knowledge for use.
For running a plagiarism test on a given piece of content, you need to copy and paste your text in the box and then click on the relevant option to detect plagiarism.
As an SEO plagiarism checker, it enables SEO professionals to find out if the articles, blogs or web content of their website is genuine. In case there is any copied part(s), they can fix it/them before submitting their content.
The best part is that it doesn’t cost a dime, and helps them find plagiarized content for free.
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